NATIONAL FERRETS DAY With Mufasafaris_tours

Mufasafari'sTours together with wild scout @JUNGLE_BOB celebrates with you FERRETS DAY
#what are ferrets
Commonly usual ferrets are black footed ones and other types can be the albino ferretes ,the Wild ferrets used to live in forests, parks, barns, and farms. Anywhere where they can get a good supply of food, which was primarily from birds, mice, and rats. They mainly habit in underground tunnels. Ferrets like a cold and dark place to sleep in; it's their natural habitat.
Mr BOB a zoologist with a pet white ferret(albino)

#How we celebrate ferrets day
If you dont have or cant spot a ferret as you can write an article to decampaign ferret exportations in your country. And if you have it or spot it any where try to feed it and pin, post pictures of them to show the awareness to the world.

Ferrets have a typical mustelid body-shape, being long and slender. Their average length is about 50cm. And their classfication is Kingdom:Animalia
Some of the ferrets from ahole where they live.

#Are they dangerous?
The truth is that there are some dangers, but it's rare that a ferret is going to make you ill. While those with weakened immune systems become sick from handling a ferret, the average person is safe from illness thats why they can be used as Pets at home.
Its charaterised with its long back compared to others like the weasels, prarie dogs.

#FerretsDay #Ferrets #TravelAndLearnWithMufasafaris #JungleBob


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