Well traveling with friends,a lover and family is more fun no doubt but well anyways, The trip started with my departure with Ethiopian airways from entebbe to Addis Ababa Bole international airport where I arrived at 12pm (EAT) and was hosted by Raddison blue hotel in ethiopia. My vist in ethiopia was great and good days visting the places in Addis abba the captial city sorry i do have more to say."may be next time "
But here The next on my Bucket_list it was i had to vist the Hewns mountain in lalibela regionEthoipia.

Start the journey now with me.

Am shanel_Beckie and this is my Lalibela Story

In the North-Central of Ethiopia 645km from Addis Ababa is the mountainous region Lalibela, originally known as Roha. This place as of today and in the past becomes a high place of Ethiopian Christianity as it holds “ The 11 Monolithic Rock Caved Churches” that have existed nearly to 1000years.

One of the northern curved church 'rare view'

The exterior view of the curved church

and are attributed to King Lalibela who set out for  their construction in 12th century with an idea of building a “ New Jerusaleum” after muslim conquests halted christians pilgrimages to the holy land.

The built church which is flat topped ,temple like structure as of the jerusaleum designs

These churches are hewn out of solid rock of monolithic blocks (entirely below ground level).
Curved from the below the ground level

And  these rocks were further carved out forming windows, doors as its seen in the pictures.
Multiple windows curved to allow air circulation in the church,and also a design of a structure

The doors curved to provide entrance of the people in side the church
columns inside the churches,various floors,roofs, praying caves for fasting,ditches,trenches, and are connected by sub-terranean passageways.

Some of the curved passages to lead to the entrance.

The entrance of the church

From the entrance you can see the church and its were you start to enter the premises

All the 11 churches represent a unique artistic achievement in their execution, size, and in the boldness of their form in representation of the Jerusaleum and some Biblical stories.

These churches are grouped into two; To the north of the river Jordan is: Biete Medhani Alem( House of the Saviour of the world), Biete Mariam(House of Mary),Biete Maskal(House of the Cross),Biete Denagel(House of the Virgins) and Biete Golgotha Mikael( House of Golgotha Mikael) which is also where King Lalibela was laid.To the south of the river is; Biete Amanuel(House of Emmanuel),Biete Qeddus Mercoreus(House of St. Mercoreos)Biete Abba Libanos(House of Abbot Libanos),Biete Gabriel Rapheal(House of Gabriel Rapheal), and Biete Lehem(House of Holy Bread). And the eleventh church Biete Ghiorgis( House of St. George) happens to stand on its own apart from sharing a similar trench to the rest of the churches.
A video clip showing some of the churches in the areas

In the interior view of the church,you could would if its dark or what do they use when inside. Its simply lightened inside with lamps and candles in each corner of the church inside. And lucky we found amass conducted in the church.
Mass being conducted inside the church

Some of the lamps in the church to give light inside.

In parts of the church there is made pool believed to have supernatural healing water for the barren women, if you had been not so fertile to conceive, you get immersed in the pool of water by the priest
i call it the fertility pool for immersing women 

In the church premises on the site walls they curved caves which they used when you want to pray, or when your fasting,its more of a selft time zone you have for yourself.

Hola i cant tell what i was thinking in there

After the wishing it turned up like that.

The textlie and the paints ,on the stories we had on some of the paints we saw it was based on the four kings who ruled ethiopia and speared headed they building of the churches, and for the kings they were bishops as the paints told the stories

The 4 bishops and kings on the paintings

The clothes have to be shoulder covering like the white attaire with art paints the woman was wearing.
Well everystory Has afull stop on it,Its just fresh from my mind,it really meant to be added on my life and i recommed after this era Of the pandemic as they say Till we meet again.
I had to take my flight back to my place from lalibela.

Thank you Mufasafaris Tours for this oppotunity to let me write my tour exprience i had . am humbled !!

About the Author
Namugenyi SK Rebecca,
Accounts Student,
Tourism Marketer @Mufasafaris3DTours



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