By Tumusiime R.Stewart

The kit_mikayi Rock 'tor' in kisumu county

Jambo, it was on my festive vacation i went on from uganda to kenya with Family, By our private car however glad i was the co_driver and with the classic songs like congo 90's lingala of Mbilia Bel and kandaBongo and some of East Africa music on the route it was Fun. It was in kisumu, where i discovered the Great Rocks called kitimikya found in the way to kisumu city i called the white town by far view untill you approach the town its self.

Co-driving such agood exprience on a Road trip. I was so in There'  Nakie Nairobi

 Kit-Mikayi found in Luo lands is a rock formation, a tor, around 40 m high situated about 29 km west of the town of Kisumu in western Kenya. It is about 1 km from the Kisumu-Bindo road. famous of its mountainous land scapes well good enough its where some parts of my new family lives, and mostly from where i loved about the untold story of the 'Stone of the first wife' in the area.And they are same connected to the called Lwanda Magere rock found near river Nyondo in kisumu where the rock was due to a worrier stories called Lwanda'shadow tales

Onthe road
As you reach in the town(not actually the site) you can spot some of the tooped rocks in the area, its quite Amusement because of its topography of the area the creator made and its when you reach the junction of the road of kisumu city and you make a right turn(when from kisumu-Bindo route) to the town center called bondo to the route heading to Migori

On our way on road while still viewing the Kitmikayi

Off the road to the Kit-Mikayi
Its an arid type of soil if i may say when, atleast with mainly the place is made of of green trees and subs of grassy lands with few human settlements in the place. that gave mi aclue of how the real place would be when we reach.
The road of migori with a great view of the kitmikayi

Close view of some of the rocks on the slopes of kit mikayi Hill

The Mythical of the rock
Honesty, its interesting and of all great about the so called mythical stories about anything and with the rock of kitimikayi this is what i recieved its all
(The legend behind Kit Mikayi, which in Luo dialect means "the stone of the first wife", is that: Long time ago, there was an old man by the name Ngeso who was in great love with the stone. Every day when he woke up in the morning, he could walk into the cave inside the stone and stay there the whole day, and this could force his wife to bring him breakfast and lunch everyday. The old man became passionately in attached with this stone to the extent that when people asked his wife his whereabouts, she would answer that he has gone to his first wife (Mikayi) hence the stone of the first wife (Kit Mikayi))
Well believe it or not i prefer the informal mythical part of all the anything and i deeply took the mytical part of the rock to be the birth of apolygamous marriages in the african society.

Closeup view of the great kit-mikayi
Formal part 'The rock formations'
Everything as sides or directions in way to preceive it and lets hear on the side of the people of  the white collars and tie of how kitimikya was formed.
(Tors are landforms created by the erosion and weathering of rock; most commonly granites, but also dacites,coarse sandstones and others.Tors are mostly less than 5 meters (16 ft) high. Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain their origin and this remains a topic of discussion among geologists and geomorphologists, and physical geographers. It is considered likely that tors were created by geomorphic processes that differed widely in type and duration according to regional and local differences in climate and rock types.

it was on the far look when it appeared to be called kitimikya rocks, probably not a rock bt its scaled piled 6 rocks which it formed in the same way withthe shiny colours of by the real view. These big rocks where well curved in any way that they have lived and can live upon years 'which i cant say' bt well 100's years i can tell.

Kit-Mikayi is a regional point of sightseeing interest, especially among the neighbouring Luo tribes. Its also has become a popular local pilgrimage site for followers of the Legio Maria sect who come to the rock to pray and fast for several weeks at a time.

Asignpost showing the ways and description of the Kitmikayi rock

UNESCO declared the stone a World Heritage Site on 11th December 2019. Well tune on Mynext adventure i had in kenya

I really thank Mufasafaris for the oppotunity for the travel artical challange on its plat form and i recommed others to do well share their articals to mufasafaris, to get others to share the fun and places we visted and still we have a stories to tell and share. Lets keep the tourism spirit in us.

About the Author

Am Tumusiime R.Stewart, a Ugandan still in pursing Studies in finance at kyambogouniversity And am Tour guider & Head of operations @Mufasafaris3D_Tour&Travel

#Staysafe #Travelsoon


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